Thoma Faulkner Outstanding Educator of the YEAR 2015
Adelaide Sanford Educational Excellence 2021
Antioch Baptist Church TEACHER OF THE Year 2021

Wonder Teacher Washington


district 16 superintendent

Elise Wonder Teacher Washington from an early age knew that she wanted to work with children. She has been lucky to have been "developed" and inspired by a number of mentors who have had a meaningful impact on her teaching career. As an enthusiastic and devoted Teacher, she strives to create well rounded children who will have the ability to work collaboratively within a diverse set of learners. She believes wholeheartedly that READERS BECOME LEADERS!!!


WTW is a Reading /Learning Specialist. She specializes in planning, teaching and evaluating instruction for students having difficulty with reading or language aquisiition. She specializes in working with students and families in small groups inside and outside of the classroom setting of elementary students.
WTW prides herself on developing creative innovative ways to PEAK children's interest. Through the multi-sensory approach children are able to learn at different paces.

WTW is scheduled to release her first book in April 2022 “Tika Speaks” which introduces readers to TIKA. She is developmentally delayed. She is faced with accepting, understanding and overcoming her disabilities. Tika has many hurdles she has to overcome. This she can do, despite all the odds no matter what because, she knows she is AMAZING! Tika can do anything she puts her mind to.
But what she doesn’t realize yet is that Ollie, her little brother seems like her biggest competitor but in all actuality he is her biggest supporter. This is BOOK ONE of a series in which Tika and Ollie will share the LOVE and idiosyncrasies of their relationship. All while Tika compensates and navigates throughout life with a DEVELOPMENTAL DELAY. Ollie on the other hand will understand what BIG BROTHER life is like when you are actually the little brother.
This book includes a GLOSSARY & Resource Guide for families, caregivers, and educators who may be navigating life with an Amazingly SPECIAL child.

As an activist WTW is focused on creating substantive changes in her school community to persuade families to change their mindset as it relates to raising READERS. WTW worked HAND and HAND with the LITTLE FREE LIBRARY organization during 2020-2021. LFL is a 501 nonprofit organization that promotes neighborhood book exchanges, usually in the form of a public bookcase. More than 90,000 public book exchanges are registered with the organization and branded as Little Free Libraries.


What makes her so SUPER?

Elise received the Thoma Y. Faulkner award in 2015, for her hard work and dedication towards the education of children in the Bedford-Stuyvesant community. In 2021 she was acknowledged as TEACHER of the Year & received the ADELAIDE SANFORD LEGACY AWARD.

Taniesha HENDERSon
Elise is often commended for the relationships that she develops with her students. She believes strongly in accountability. If children are taught to be accountable at a young age they become productive students, individuals and adults! Adults who can impact their community.
The Clara Cardwell School
616 Quincy Street Brooklyn 11221