Thoma Faulkner Outstanding Educator of the YEAR 2015
Adelaide Sanford Educational Excellence 2021
Antioch Baptist Church TEACHER OF THE Year 2021

former student Dahrel Cadore
WonderTeacher Who?
Elise is a teacher in Bedford Stuyvesant Brooklyn, one of the nations most popular communities.
Although on the higher end of the social economic spectrum through gentrification one can’t ignore the the families in the STUY who live in PUBLIC housing. The families that receive rent subsidies and are on the lower end of the social economic range.
She created WTW because for years she has possessed abilities beyond those of ordinary teachers. Her super powers as a Reading Specialist, author and innovator has allowed her to SHINE BRIGHT! For years she used her super powers to help all students tap into their own super powers despite their socioeconomic status. As Wonder Teacher Washington she wants all children to have access to quality educational experiences, that will help them make the world even more of a wonderful place. Elise wants children to experience a mind opened by WONDER rather than one that is closed by BELIEF!